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This article goes over our recommended settings for AIX on Pure Storage. AIX has been tested to work well with logical partitions (LPAR) and the Pure Storage array.

Installing the Pure ODM File

The AIX ODM definition is attached. Please install this on all AIX initiators connecting to Pure Storage. This ODM definition was created by Pure Storage using IBM's supported method of ODM creation to comply with their supported standards. You will want to load the AIX ODM definition fileset into the AIX system. This can be performed manually or the System Manager Interface Tool (SMIT) can be used.

It is Best Practice to load the Pure ODM definition before attaching any PURE LUN's. If you do not, you may need to manually clean up the 'Other FC Drive' devices that were created before loading the ODM definition. After installing the ODM definition you will be prompted to reboot.

ODM Definition Versions

ProtocolVersionRelease DateNotes
Fibre Channel1.0.0.11May 22, 2019

Requires AIX 6.1 TL9, AIX 7.1 TL3 or AIX 7.2.

This update:

  • Sets the shortest_queue algorithm as the default path selection policy mechanism.
  • Includes the attribute lbp_enabled,(although not visible) necessary for space reclamation in AIX now that they support in the AIX filesystem.
  • Introduces attribute timeout_policy with the default policy to fail_path.
  • Identifies the attributes that can be concurrently modified.
Fibre Channel1.0.0.4July 10, 2014

For use on versions prior to AIX 6.1 TL9 or AIX 7.1 TL3. The shortest_queue algorithm was added in this ODM, but the default remains round_robin. A chdev to shortest_queue is allowed.

ODMs higher than require AIX 6.1 TL9+, AIX 7.1 TL3+, or AIX 7.2.

iSCSI1.0.0.1August 8, 2014iSCSI specific ODM introduced.

The shortest-queue option is available as of the following AIX versions:

  • AIX Version 7.1 with Service Pack 3, or later
  • AIX Version 6.1 with the 6100-06 Technology Level, and Service Pack 5, or later
  • AIX Version 6.1 with the 6100-05 Technology Level, and Service Pack 6, or later
  • AIX Version 6.1 with the 6100-04 Technology Level, and Service Pack 10, or later
  • AIX Version 5.3 with the 5300-12 Technology Level and Service Pack 4, or later
  • AIX Version 5.3 with the 5300-11 Technology Level and Service Pack 7, or later

The maximum filesystem size for JFS2 file system on AIX is 32 TB. The maximum file size is 16TB.

ODM Install

NOTE: If you are configuring AIX with VIOS, please see the IBM VIOS section below for when and where to install the ODM.

  1. Zone only one HBA port on AIX to the desired Pure controller port(s).
  2. You will only have one hdisk to install on to.
  3. Install AIX on hdisk.
  4. You will see:
  5. You can then install the PURE ODM definition.
  6. Reboot, as prompted by the tool.
  7. PURE will have replaced the Other FC drive.
  8. It is possible a SCSI Reservation still exists on the Pure array. Versions prior to AIX 6.1TL7 will need to clear these reservations using their preferred method.
    For AIX 6.1TL7+ (Including 7.1 and 7.2) run the following to clear the reservation from AIX before proceeding:

    Note: There is an IBM issue where the 'devrsrv -f -c release -l hdisk1' command fails to clear SCSI-2 reservation see IBM's IV76821 for 6.1 and IV76995 for 7.1.

  9. You can now continue adding your subsequent zoned paths and LUN's.

Checking the Current ODM Version

You can run the current command to check which version of the Pure ODM file you are currently running:

Upgrading the ODM

Versions prior to

For ODMs earlier than release 1.0.11, in order to upgrade to a newer / latest ODM version, you'll need to first remove the old one. This requires a reboot on the initiator, and the steps are as follows:

  1. Remove the current ODM file.
  2. Install the new ODM file.
  3. Reboot the host.

Versions only:
For newer releases, specifically 1.0.11 and later, upgrading to the latest version of the ODM no longer requires removing the original ODM file first. The change which made this possible is the later ODM definition packages include scripts to clean up the previous configuration before installing the fresh one. Simply proceed as follows:

  1. Install new ODM over the pre-existing ODM. Do not uninstall the original ODM.
  2. Reboot the Host.

Multipath Recommendations

The MPIO Policy defines how the host distributes IOs across the available paths to the storage. The Round Robin (RR) policy distributes IOs evenly across all Active/Optimized paths. A newer MPIO policy, shortest_queue, is similar to round robin in that IOs are distributed across all available Active/Optimized paths, however it provides some additional benefits. The shortest_queue policy will bias IOs towards paths that are servicing IO quicker (paths with shorter queues). In the event that one path becomes intermittently disruptive or is experiencing higher latency, shortest_queue will prevent the utilization of that path reducing the effect of the problem path.

The shortest_queue option was added in AIX version 6.1, Technology Level 9, and in AIX version 7.1, Technology Level 3.

Our ODM defaults to 'round-robin', so if you would like to take advantage of the shortest-queue setting, you will need to run the following command:

Keep in mind that you will need to manually make this change anytime you overwrite the ODM (i.e. upgrading the ODM).

You can put the ODM fileset into your lpp_source, generate a new spot (which gets tftp'd to the client as part of the bootp process by NIM network install) and it will resolve the multiple disks issue at NIM network install.

Note: The Virtualbox webcam driver is not present in the kernel provided with the Virtual Alpine ISO. To use the webcam whilst keeping the installation footprint small, install the linux-firmware-none package using apk, and then install the linux-vanilla package to download a kernel with the appropriate drivers, without pulling in 100s of MB of firmware files too. Alpine touchpad driver download. Alpine Electronics, Inc. Grants you a license to use the software under the terms and conditions of the present Software License Terms. Except for the use described below, use of the software without written authorization from Alpine Electronics, Inc. Is not permitted. For better download quality, it is recommended to use software like Flashget or Getright to monitor your file download status for saving your treasure time and efforts. Back to top GIGABYTE. Intel Alpine Ridge Thunderbolt Firmware. laptops-and-netbooks thinkpad-t-series-laptops T490 (Type 20N2, 20N3) Laptop (ThinkPad).

Scanning for new LUNs on AIX

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On AIX 7, use the command cfgmgr without arguments to rescan the HBA for new LUNs.

Use 'odmget' to correlate the serial number to the volume on Pure:

Run the following on the Pure Storage FlashArray to verify the serial number matches:

Configure Pure LUN's with AIX

Fast Fail and Dynamic Tracking

Fast Fail and Dynamic Tracking should be enabled for any HBA port zoned to a Pure FlashArray port.

You can confirm these settings with lsattr:

HBA max_xfer_size

Pure Storage supports a maximum read and write transfer size of 4MB. The Pure AIX ODM definition ensures hdisk device max_transfer is configured at 4MB (0x400000).

It should be noted that the HBA max_transfer defaults to 1MB (0x100000) and will limit transfers larger than 1MB. However, for optimal performance, you should ensure that the max_xfer_size for each HBA zoned to a Pure port is set to 4MB, if supported by the HBA.

Please consult with IBM support before changing this setting, as changing this setting may break boot from SAN if the HBA or system does not support the 4MB (0x400000) setting.

In the example below, we set the max_xfer_size to the AIX maximum of 4MB for the fcs0 device. Please repeat this for all devices.

This change requires a reboot of the LPAR or disable and re-enable the fcs interface for the new value to be in use.

If the LPAR is a VIO Client using a virtual FC adapter, the attribute should be changed first in the VIO Server physical port (LPAR uses Virtual FC Adapters).

You can run the following command to verify the HBA max_xfer_size:

LUN Connectivity and MPIO Control

After running cfmgr, the following command can be used to validate LUN connectivity and MPIO control:

The command output from the above displays the following:

  • 8 logical paths for hdisk2 (this AIX system has 4 dual-port HBAs).
  • The connection is the array target port wwpn and host LUN ID.
  • Example: 21000024ff391bbf,1000000000000 (host LUN ID = 1 as set in GUI/CLI)

Run the following command to check disk attributes set by the Pure ODM definition:

* NOTE: T Cssn sound cards & media devices driver download for windows. he 256 queue depth setting in the ODM should be treated as a possible starting point, and may need to be adjusted based on host environment variables.

Note: reserve_policy

If you want to set the reserve_policy to 'PR_shared' or 'PR_exclusive' you will first need to set a PR_key_value. What you set it to will need to be unique, you can set this value to '0x1' for example.
NOTE: Our Purity 2.x implementation of AIX support does not include auto-contingency allegiance (ACA) that is required by AIX. Lacking this support, AIX will not allow a queue depth greater than 1 for Pure LUN's. ACA is supported starting in Purity 3.x.

Note: hcheck_interval

PureStorage ODM definition sets hcheck_interval setting to 10 as opposed to IBM recommendation of 30. Our best practice is set to be inline with our path checker default of 10 seconds in Linux. hcheck_interval setting is set to lower value than the rw_timeout on PureStorage devices as we are not checking active paths and a lower hcheck_interval will not have any SAN performance impact.

The hcheck_interval is lower than the rw_timeout on Pure Storage devices as we are not checking active paths and a lower hcheck_interval will not have any SAN performance impact.



You can run the current command to check which version of the Pure ODM file you are currently running:

Upgrading the ODM

Versions prior to

For ODMs earlier than release 1.0.11, in order to upgrade to a newer / latest ODM version, you'll need to first remove the old one. This requires a reboot on the initiator, and the steps are as follows:

  1. Remove the current ODM file.
  2. Install the new ODM file.
  3. Reboot the host.

Versions only:
For newer releases, specifically 1.0.11 and later, upgrading to the latest version of the ODM no longer requires removing the original ODM file first. The change which made this possible is the later ODM definition packages include scripts to clean up the previous configuration before installing the fresh one. Simply proceed as follows:

  1. Install new ODM over the pre-existing ODM. Do not uninstall the original ODM.
  2. Reboot the Host.

Multipath Recommendations

The MPIO Policy defines how the host distributes IOs across the available paths to the storage. The Round Robin (RR) policy distributes IOs evenly across all Active/Optimized paths. A newer MPIO policy, shortest_queue, is similar to round robin in that IOs are distributed across all available Active/Optimized paths, however it provides some additional benefits. The shortest_queue policy will bias IOs towards paths that are servicing IO quicker (paths with shorter queues). In the event that one path becomes intermittently disruptive or is experiencing higher latency, shortest_queue will prevent the utilization of that path reducing the effect of the problem path.

The shortest_queue option was added in AIX version 6.1, Technology Level 9, and in AIX version 7.1, Technology Level 3.

Our ODM defaults to 'round-robin', so if you would like to take advantage of the shortest-queue setting, you will need to run the following command:

Keep in mind that you will need to manually make this change anytime you overwrite the ODM (i.e. upgrading the ODM).

You can put the ODM fileset into your lpp_source, generate a new spot (which gets tftp'd to the client as part of the bootp process by NIM network install) and it will resolve the multiple disks issue at NIM network install.

Note: The Virtualbox webcam driver is not present in the kernel provided with the Virtual Alpine ISO. To use the webcam whilst keeping the installation footprint small, install the linux-firmware-none package using apk, and then install the linux-vanilla package to download a kernel with the appropriate drivers, without pulling in 100s of MB of firmware files too. Alpine touchpad driver download. Alpine Electronics, Inc. Grants you a license to use the software under the terms and conditions of the present Software License Terms. Except for the use described below, use of the software without written authorization from Alpine Electronics, Inc. Is not permitted. For better download quality, it is recommended to use software like Flashget or Getright to monitor your file download status for saving your treasure time and efforts. Back to top GIGABYTE. Intel Alpine Ridge Thunderbolt Firmware. laptops-and-netbooks thinkpad-t-series-laptops T490 (Type 20N2, 20N3) Laptop (ThinkPad).

Scanning for new LUNs on AIX

On AIX 7, use the command cfgmgr without arguments to rescan the HBA for new LUNs.

Use 'odmget' to correlate the serial number to the volume on Pure:

Run the following on the Pure Storage FlashArray to verify the serial number matches:

Configure Pure LUN's with AIX

Fast Fail and Dynamic Tracking

Fast Fail and Dynamic Tracking should be enabled for any HBA port zoned to a Pure FlashArray port.

You can confirm these settings with lsattr:

HBA max_xfer_size

Pure Storage supports a maximum read and write transfer size of 4MB. The Pure AIX ODM definition ensures hdisk device max_transfer is configured at 4MB (0x400000).

It should be noted that the HBA max_transfer defaults to 1MB (0x100000) and will limit transfers larger than 1MB. However, for optimal performance, you should ensure that the max_xfer_size for each HBA zoned to a Pure port is set to 4MB, if supported by the HBA.

Please consult with IBM support before changing this setting, as changing this setting may break boot from SAN if the HBA or system does not support the 4MB (0x400000) setting.

In the example below, we set the max_xfer_size to the AIX maximum of 4MB for the fcs0 device. Please repeat this for all devices.

This change requires a reboot of the LPAR or disable and re-enable the fcs interface for the new value to be in use.

If the LPAR is a VIO Client using a virtual FC adapter, the attribute should be changed first in the VIO Server physical port (LPAR uses Virtual FC Adapters).

You can run the following command to verify the HBA max_xfer_size:

LUN Connectivity and MPIO Control

After running cfmgr, the following command can be used to validate LUN connectivity and MPIO control:

The command output from the above displays the following:

  • 8 logical paths for hdisk2 (this AIX system has 4 dual-port HBAs).
  • The connection is the array target port wwpn and host LUN ID.
  • Example: 21000024ff391bbf,1000000000000 (host LUN ID = 1 as set in GUI/CLI)

Run the following command to check disk attributes set by the Pure ODM definition:

* NOTE: T Cssn sound cards & media devices driver download for windows. he 256 queue depth setting in the ODM should be treated as a possible starting point, and may need to be adjusted based on host environment variables.

Note: reserve_policy

If you want to set the reserve_policy to 'PR_shared' or 'PR_exclusive' you will first need to set a PR_key_value. What you set it to will need to be unique, you can set this value to '0x1' for example.
NOTE: Our Purity 2.x implementation of AIX support does not include auto-contingency allegiance (ACA) that is required by AIX. Lacking this support, AIX will not allow a queue depth greater than 1 for Pure LUN's. ACA is supported starting in Purity 3.x.

Note: hcheck_interval

PureStorage ODM definition sets hcheck_interval setting to 10 as opposed to IBM recommendation of 30. Our best practice is set to be inline with our path checker default of 10 seconds in Linux. hcheck_interval setting is set to lower value than the rw_timeout on PureStorage devices as we are not checking active paths and a lower hcheck_interval will not have any SAN performance impact.

The hcheck_interval is lower than the rw_timeout on Pure Storage devices as we are not checking active paths and a lower hcheck_interval will not have any SAN performance impact.


When using Live Partition Mobility, it is essential that the following steps are taken.

Remove any reservations to any Pure LUNs used by the LPAR. This is done by using the following command against all Pure LUNs.

When you create an NPIV adapter in VIOS, it will assign it two WWPNs.

Ensure you zone your SAN to the Pure Array with *both* of the WWPNs the Virtual Fibre Channel adapter creates. In operation, the LPAR will only use one of these and only one will FLOGI into your SAN, so you may need to add the second one manually if you are using a SAN management software such as DCNM for example.

An example zone on a Cisco switch would look like this:

zone name lpar1 vsan 1
pwwn 52:4a:93:7f:97:09:5d:03
pwwn 52:4a:93:7f:97:09:5d:13
pwwn c0:50:76:09:50:03:00:0c
pwwn c0:50:76:09:50:03:00:0d

Apowersoft sound cards online. Lastly, make sure that both of the NPIV WWPNs are defined for the host on the Pure Storage Array. Note that the unused one will show up as not connected -- this is normal and during a LPM operation, it will switch over onto the alternate connection.

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There are several possible combinations of using VIOS with Pure Storage, and the configurations differ depending on which one you are using.

VIOS Option #1: Pure FlashArray presented only to the VIO Server

Install VIO Server with a single SAN path (if booting VIO server from SAN) and when installation is complete, install the Pure ODM definition in the VIO server before adding the remaining paths.

Present Pure LUNs directly to the VIO server, create storage pools as needed, and create virtual disks inside these storage pools to boot the LPARs from.

Pure Storage ODM definition is not required inside the LPAR.

VIOS Option #2: Physically Assign HBA to the LPAR

In this situation, the VIO server assigns a physical HBA to an LPAR. In this case the ODM definition should be installed in the LPAR AIX system.

If installing a new system, it's recommended to complete the install with just a single path to the storage presented, and once install is complete, install the Pure Storage ODM definition onto the LPAR and add the remaining paths.

Set the max_xfer_size to the AIX maximum of 4MB for the fcs0 device. Please repeat this for all fcs devices. There is no need to set this on the VIO Server, because the HBA hardware is assigned only to the LPAR.

VIOS Option #3: LPARs use Virtual FC Adapters to Talk to Pure (NPIV)

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If the VIO Server is using volumes from the Pure Storage array, complete the setup of the ODM in the same way as described in VIOS Option #1. This step is not required if the VIO Server will not handle the Pure Storage Array LUNs.

The ODM needs to be installed on both the VIOS and LPAR.

For the VIO Client LPARs that will be using Virtual Fiber Channel adapters, follow all the recommendations in VIOS Option #2.

If setting the larger 4MB xfer size, it is critical to set it on the VIO Server first, be aware that having a larger value in the LPAR vFC max_xfer_size attribute than the VIO Server physical adapter max_xfer_size attribute could render the LPAR unable to boot

Set the xfer size to 4MB at this time.

This change requires a reboot of the VIO Server or disable and re-enable the FCs interface for the new value to be in use.

If changing the max_xfer_size, ensure the VIO server is always set to an equal or larger value than any LPARs. If it is already set to an even larger value that 0x400000, then changing it on the VIO server before the LPAR will cause a lockup/issues on the LPAR with a larger value.

Option #4 VIOS Managed Physical Volumes – VSCSI (Thin RDM on VMWare)

(Install the ODM on the VIO server).


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Create a volume group which could be carved in 'LV' each presented as a vscsi LUN to the LPAR.

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